

Hello, Hackers! Welcome to the NYX Blog!
This Cybersecurity blog has been created by the VulNyx team.
Here you will find a well-organized and visually appealing collection of Penetration Testing and Red Team Operations methodologies, which you can use both in real-world environments and in our vulnerable machine challenges in the playground.
Our goal is to provide you with a well-structured guide, to improve your skills and face new challenges in Offensive Security.


NYX Blog is a collaborative project and your input is essential.
Anyone can contribute by sharing methodologies, guides, fixes or new ideas to improve this resource.
If you know a technique or have information that is not here yet, or simply want to help improve the structure and content.
Your participation is more than welcome!

How to collaborate on the project?

Contributing is easy, follow these steps to add new content or improve existing content:

  • 1- Fork this repository.
  • 2- Create a new branch with your new file or improvement.
  • 3- Go to the repository and enter the folder whose name identifies the category of your new contribution, once inside the folder create your filename.md file.
  • 4- Submit a pull request for review.

Directory structure by categories:

  • _os - Operating System (Linux/Windows).
  • _network - Network (Techniques that involve networks).
  • _service - Services (Services, ports and protocols).
  • _ad - Active Directory (Only attacks on AD).
  • _web - Web Application (Only attacks on web applications).
  • _others - Others (Topics without a specific category).



All techniques presented in this blog are for educational and ethical purposes.
The VulNyx team is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused to third party systems or infrastructure.

© VulNyx 2023-2025

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